A.R. v. Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company, LAT AABS 17-000149, Adjudicator Msosa

This matter involved a dispute over medical benefits. The applicant was seeking payment for two orthopedic assessments; one submitted approximately 3 years post-accident and the second submitted on the eve of a FSCO arbitration roughly 4.5 years post-accident. The insurer took the position that neither orthopedic assessment was reasonable and necessary because the claimant sustained uncomplicated soft-tissue injuries as a result of the accident.

Importantly, the applicant included the two incurred orthopedic reports but failed to include the relevant OCF-18s in the materials submitted to the LAT. The adjudicator commented that the Applicant had not connected the evidentiary dots to prove that the assessments were reasonable and necessary.

The adjudicator held that the OCF-18s were not reasonable and necessary as the applicant had not provided the treatment plans setting out the goals and purpose of the assessment. The adjudicator found that the applicant had not provided any evidence of an orthopedic injury.

The LAT appeal was dismissed in its entirety.

Click here for the full decision.


  • Kathleen O’Hara

    Kathleen is SBA’s Northern Ontario delegate. Despite growing up in the great white north, Kathleen is an avid summer athlete. When she isn’t finishing triathlons or trying to hit a ball out of a bunker, Kathleen somehow manages to run our SIU team.

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