Swerving Blame in Emergency Situations

Swerving Blame in Emergency Situations

What standard is expected of a driver confronted with an emergency situation? ONCA upholds a summary judgment motion ruling that a reactive driver was not negligent. The Ontario Court of Appeal recently upheld a summary judgment motion ruling that there was nothing...
ONCA clarifies psychological damages from a products liability perspective

Expert Reports: Not great to be late

In Lamothe v. Sudbury Trail Plan Association, 2023 ONSC 3176, the Superior Court refused to allow the defendants to deliver late expert reports. The defendants attempted to bring a motion to be granted leave to deliver late expert reports which was opposed by the...
ONCA clarifies psychological damages from a products liability perspective

ONCA Revisits Mental Health Injuries

The recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision in Bothwell v. London Health Sciences Centre revisited what is necessary for a plaintiff to prove in order to be successful in a mental injury action. Specifically, the Court addressed whether feelings of anger, sadness and...