The Defendant, Ceeps-Barneys Limited (“the Ceeps”), is a popular pub / sports bar beloved by students of Western University (past and present). In this matter, the Ceeps brought a motion for summary judgment for a dismissal of the plaintiffs’ action against it, as...
The Supreme Court of British Columbia granted the City its motion for summary judgment in an action commenced by an elderly Plaintiff who sustained a slip and fall injury. In Sapia v Invermere (District), the Plaintiff was an 82 year old woman who was a regular patron...
The Plaintiff’s claim in Walsh v. Papadopoulos arose as a result of a fall that occurred on the basement stairway of a home owned by the Defendant, Antonio Pirone. Two days before the fall, the Plaintiff and her sister, the Defendant, Easter Papadopoulos, had been at...
The recent Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta appeal decision in Hache v. Western Edmonton Mall Property Inc. sheds some light on occupiers’ liability claims in Ontario. The Plaintiff brought a claim against West Edmonton Mall following an injury in a parking garage....
The plaintiff’s claim relates to a slip and fall that occurred, in a washroom, at Casino Rama on February 16, 2015. The plaintiff did not notice that the floor was wet, as she entered the washroom, but admitted she did notice a custodian and a yellow caution sign on...
The Ontario Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Martin v. Barrie (City) reaffirms that, in occupiers’ liability cases, the applicable standard is not one of perfection, but of reasonableness. This appeal arose from an incident occurring in February 2011 at...