Illinois is one of the few jurisdictions in the world that has a designated piece of legislation addressing the collection, storage, and use of biometric date – the Biometric Information Privacy Act. The purpose of the BIPA is to regulate businesses’ collection,...
Devesceri, while operating a motorcycle, crossed over the centre line of traffic and collided head-on with a car being driven by Caton. The resulting collision killed Devesceri and injured Caton. Caton sued Devesceri’s estate, and his insurer, RSA, defended the...
*** Mikel Pearce is a contributor of this article. In the wake of COVID-19, several class action lawsuits emerged against various insurers in Canada with respect to the scope of business interruption coverage. The issues are nuanced and depend on the specific policy...
It seems like you can get anything delivered these days: pizza, clothing, cosmetics, groceries, alcohol – the list is endless. Most people making these deliveries are using their personal vehicles. Yet how many people are informing their insurers of the business...
The Ontario Court of Appeal has found that an insurer does not have a duty to defend a privacy class action, or an associated third party claim stemming from the disclosure of an allegedly defamatory report authored by the Family and Children Services of Lanark...
In a recent decision, an Ontario court found that an insurer has a duty to defend a “software developer” in a U.S. action alleging copyright infringement. In the U.S. action, the insured was alleged to be the head of a group of hackers which sold subscriptions for...