What happens when a Certificate of Automobile Insurance specifies that the policy includes coverages under certain endorsements, when those endorsements never make it onto the policy? The Certificate and OPCF Endorsements Ontario’s standard automobile policy (OAP1)...
What happens when an auto insurer sends a policy termination notice to the named insured, but the named insured does not own the vehicle insured under the policy? In Ontario (Minister of Finance) v. Traders General Insurance Co. (c.o.b. Aviva Traders) an individual...
The Ontario Court of Appeal has held that business interruption claims are not subject to a rolling limitation period. In Marvelous Mario’s Inc. v. St. Paul Fire, the appellant insureds commenced two actions claiming insurance coverage under a commercial...
Can an Ontario insurer treat an automobile policy as being void ab initio and deny a claim in its entirety as a result? The Court of Appeal for Ontario says “no”. Merino v. Intact involved a pedestrian who was catastrophically injured when she was struck by a car...
When a builder negligently repairs a school’s gymnasium roof, which causes rain to spill into the gym and damage the wooden floor below, does the builder’s All Risk Builder’s policy cover the damage to the floor? Pre-Eng v. Intact involved a coverage battle between...
The Ontario Court of Appeal has overturned a lower decision that found an insurer owed a duty to defend an insured in a sexual assault claim, under a commercial general liability policy. The Claim In Southside Muay Thai Academy Corp. v. Aviva, Raul Fontalvo was the...