Too Little, Too Late?

Too Little, Too Late?

When an accident benefits insurer receives an Application for Accident Benefits (OCF-1), their first thought should be whether they are the proper insurer to handle the claim (i.e., whether the Ontario priority scheme might make another insurer the proper benefits...
Intent is a state of mind. Or is it?

Intent is a state of mind. Or is it?

In 2019, Mr. Butterfield attended a firearms store in Cambridge, when he experienced a psychotic episode related to his pre-existing schizophrenia. He fell under the deluded belief that the owner of the store had raped and murdered his female friend. He left the store...
Intent is a state of mind. Or is it?

Pardon the Interruption

*** Mikel Pearce is a contributor of this article. In the wake of COVID-19, several class action lawsuits emerged against various insurers in Canada with respect to the scope of business interruption coverage. The issues are nuanced and depend on the specific policy...
Intent is a state of mind. Or is it?

Saddle Up! Man kicked by horse … or was he?

The Superior Court of Justice has recently released a decision from Ontario’s first virtual civil trial. Belton v. Spencer will be of interest to those handling rural liability claims as well as horse enthusiasts. Read further for terms like “lunge line”, “riding...
Intent is a state of mind. Or is it?

Don’t Spoil Your Subrogation Claim!

It is not unheard of for evidence to go missing in property damage claims. The outset of a claim can be very hectic, with a lot of parties involved, most of whom are not concerned about future recovery for the loss. However, if there is subrogation potential,...