No Void Ab Initio for Auto

No Void Ab Initio for Auto

Can an Ontario insurer treat an automobile policy as being void ab initio and deny a claim in its entirety as a result? The Court of Appeal for Ontario says “no”. Merino v. Intact involved a pedestrian who was catastrophically injured when she was struck by a car...
No Void Ab Initio for Auto

How much Risk does a Builder’s Risk Risk?

When a builder negligently repairs a school’s gymnasium roof, which causes rain to spill into the gym and damage the wooden floor below, does the builder’s All Risk Builder’s policy cover the damage to the floor?  Pre-Eng v. Intact involved a coverage battle between...
No Void Ab Initio for Auto

SABS Priority Disputes 101: Help!

It’s a Friday afternoon before a long weekend, of course, and you’ve just received a potential SABS priority dispute. A new Application for Accident Benefits arrives on your desk and the claimant alleges that she was in your insured’s vehicle at the time of the...